Sunday 10 September 2023

Epic - A Transition Phase... Maybe.

I was largely unimpressed by GW's reboot of Adeptus Titanicus - old AT was the starting point of the old Epic; they started with titans and added smaller units after that.

- Didn't like the micro-management of shields/heat, and the general slow pace of damage and progress.  I don't mind it exists - I know people like this type of thing and I'm glad they have something that works for them.

- The choice to set it in 30k (imperial vs imperial) means there's unlikely to be expansion to other races/armies. Which is... well... boring.  An 'upside' (or trying to find a silver lining) is that you have like vs like so there's less chance of things becoming 'unbalanced' from army/race based shenanigans and tricks.

GW have announced, but not yet released 'phase 2' of AT, tanks and infantry. 'Phase 3' if you include using Aeronautic (planes vs planes), which are included in the new system.

I wouldn't mind getting the new 'starter box' offering.  Not that I anticipate playing it a lot; but the models are nice and it's more a 'collector'/cos-it's-historic urge. remains to be seen of course.

I currently have 4 resin-print armies which I really like; Black Templars, Custodes, Death Guard (30k) and Eldar.

Two are marines (BT and DG), so I don't have a lot of variety. Ideally, I'd like some Tyranids and a Chaos Marines force (which are kinda marine adjacent), but those are long term projects - mainly so I have options if I want to play someone and be able to bring both forces (i.e. demo for someone without models).

So, today, I boxed the large of my old filament print armies, my old, and first Imperial Fists. I've been putting it off (sentimentality) as the others were retired one by one.  I still have them stashed away in a box in storage. I can't bring myself to throw them out entirely though, haha.

IF I do end up getting on the new expanded AT train then there's a high probability that the force will be built as Imperial Fist. Though I do like Death Guard... and I've long liked the Sons of Horus as well. We'll see what we see.

Until Next Time...


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