Monday 28 June 2021

Zone Alfa - Fishing (Fiction)

A quick intro story to accompany June 2021 Contest Entry... just for fun...

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Kilgore had been lying in position for at least two hours, his gaze steadfastly forward, waiting for signs of motion. He acknowledged the sun tracking slowly across the autumn sky, panning the shadows incrementally across his vista.

The sun was set perfectly to cast shadows towards him, his approach angle within the grove precise; this was part of his plan, part of his method.

He had arrived the day before and camped fire-less, unobtrusively next to a sandstone boulder, all the while absorbing the base-level sounds, smells, and feel of the location. The grove was typical bush; eucalypts at the edges interspersed with gymea lily, casual bracken, some sandstone protrusions with small, grey flannel flowers growing tenaciously in the gaps – simple, rugged beauty in an alternate time.

Lying on his belly he contemplates fishing – this was the closest thing he’d come to fishing around here, with the putrid, toxic creeks, stock dams and pools. Patiently waiting, quiet - serene stillness lest the fish senses his presence and scarpers.

He was not against technology.  Had in fact set up a contingent of motion detectors earlier to monitor the wider perimeter for endemic wildlife or transient intruders. But catching the artifact was something he chose to do by eye and by hand. This analogue thrill was the biggest drawcard keeping him in this forbidding patch of hell; not that he overtly recognise that fact - though he acknowledged the rush of success.

He had discovered this anomaly a weeks ago by chance. Set back from the trail and over a small embankment, the area looked relatively fresh, not gouged and haggard as it would be once the anomaly had been there a while and noused things up. There was precious little sign of activity around it too, animal prints, trails, nothing.

That didn’t mean that his weathered 45 wasn’t sitting inches from his head, within line of sight and in immediate reach. Lying prone and focused in the zone was about as compromising a position as one could be in; but he had confidence in his overall process, one of preparedness, of reading the environment. If anything was stalking him undetected, then, well, it probably deserved a hearty breakfast.

Having more immediate business to attend to last week, he’d thrown a fist-sized rock into the grove, had seen the rock deflect out in a trailing halo like a wrong comet, and called that ‘preliminary recon’ before continuing with his prior assignment.

Now the medium size Vortex hummed with grave power not far over his head. The anomaly was for all practical purposes static.

After dropping his pack yesterday, he’d used the time before darkness fell to study the anomaly. He’d sensed signs of movement below it, a slow smudge in the periphery of his vision indicating that an artifact might be being carousing around in there somewhere, virtually invisible so close to the anomaly.

If it was moving then just maybe it would wander out far enough.

So now he waited motionless, waiting for an ephemeral blur to pass into vision and within arm’s reach. He fancied he’d seen signs of it right after he’d settled into position this morning, but he’d chosen to wait and acclimatize. It wouldn’t do to waste the opportunity; to knock the artifact back into the anomaly's core - or graze the anomaly and risk having it rip his arm right off - or more likely have the anomaly swell defensively, draw him in, and smatter him out again as particulate goo like a god-like sneeze.

This wasn’t his first dance, and it wouldn’t be his last - he’d decided that before setting out, and it was the only way to approach the zone.

A faint breeze swept through the foliage briefly and dropped again, rippling the shadows from the trees. A storm was anticipated to pick up in the afternoon and he was hoping to be heading back to the settlement before then – preferably artifact in hand.

The settlement had been abuzz with the prospect of some new missions being launched by one of the scientific concerns, looking for guides, protection, meat-shields with guns. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, contradicting his usual preference of rolling solo.

It wouldn’t hurt his negotiation position to literally drop a freshly plucked artifact on the table should he wish to participate though.

His periphery detects a movement, the slight change in brightness registering in that same place where his night-vision is the strongest. A ghost of a shape, a whisper, dust motes in sunlight.

His breathing slows, like it would before squeezing the trigger on a long shot.

The something moves into his field of vision, bobbling up and down like a phasing shiver, fading in and out of focus as though undecided as to whether it is there or not.

He gauges the input, calculates a path, watches for deviation, for aberrations in the vector. His concentration becomes fierce and singular, if ever there was a time for a predator to strike it was now.

His hand lashes out like a strike, his fingers curling at the computed apex, plucking at the tingling, energized air.

There is mass there too, he cedes with momentary satisfaction.

He hears-feels a sucking pressure escalate above him like a gigantic engine roaring quickly to life.

Rolling quickly to his left he snatches up the pistol. The anomaly howls as he dives away from the epicentre, clearing the clawing pull of the kill zone.

A backwash detonation of air shoves him from behind resentfully, tripping him.

Matt stillness settles within the grove in the aftershock of the anomaly’s indignant eruption, leaving a low ringing in his ears.

Kilgore waits on his knees, pistol in hand and eyes scanning while the ringing subsides enough for his hearing to partake in his protection once again.

Satisfied that the area remains clear for the moment he opens his hand and sees a glassy-smooth, brown moss/rock object sitting there. It remains cold despite the warmth of his palm, and distinctly lacks the nerve jarring effects of the radiation emitting artifacts. A Wrenched. He nods satisfied; radiation protection was always worthwhile within the zone.

He collects his gear - the backpack settling naturally into familiar position on his shoulders.

A breeze now ruffles the foliage constantly, accompanying the slowly progression of clouds far above – a growing weight of clouds.

Had the anomaly’s surge triggered the atmospheric change?

He racks the rifle, perhaps his luck will hold long enough for him to beat the rain back to base.

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Zona Alfa - June 2021 Contest Entry


This is my work for the June 2021 competition in the Stalker7 fb group.

Goal was a 4 person crew based on Kontraband expansion rules. 3 pics max. Also 2 short paragraphs which I intend to violate but not by too much.

I put together a quick board just to get some in situ pics. Didn't actually roll dice.

Expedition X389

The four-member crew of Expedition X389 was put together as a corporately sponsored expedition.

A recent emission blighted the area around an established science bunker. Despite the toughness of these bunkers the occupants evacuated, reporting that a new anomaly field had established itself directly adjacent to the bunker - making the area excessively hazardous and also drawing exponentially more mutants to the area.

Expedition X389 was tasked with scouting the area and establishing the current status. Could operations be recommenced at the bunker? Was there anything left of the bunker to airlift out?

The Researcher (Portnoy) examines a nearby anomaly...

As zombies approach the Field Agent (Prost) attempts to unlock the airlock with the codes they have been given... Sooner! Sooner would be better!!

Crew Bios

Kilgore - STALKER - Bounty-Hunter

The quintessential seasoned veteran; the survivor that returns from hundreds of missions as his contemporaries fall to the deadly attrition of the Zone. A leader, notably apart from his crew – expect precise, insightful orders but never empathy.

Knopki - STALKER - Bounty-Hunter

‘Knopki’, Russian for ‘buttons’. He once boasted that he could hit any button on the target’s clothes he wanted with any ranged weapon. Then someone at camp actually called him ‘buttons’ and ended up with less teeth. Apparently he decided he liked the concept, if not the name.

Prost - SCIENTIST - Field Agent

Prost could have as easily ended up a lone free stalker instead of a Department of Science field operative – one way or another he feels he was destined to a life in these brutal environs. His scientific background and expertise enhances his instinctive feel for the Zone’s harsh whims.

Portnoy - SCIENTIST - Research

Whip smart, precise and tight mentally and physically. Also renown as being mean as f…  Any Stalker stupid enough to make a jibe at the Scientist’s corporate logo could find themselves in a snork lair instead of an artifact trove based on some subtle suggestion they vaguely recalled hearing in the Stalker bar... just before they get eaten.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Zona Alfa - More Terrain... of course...

...though hopefully amongst the last. Or put another way, my (extra-large) terrain box was able to accommodate these, but is now pretty much full and i don't want a second box.

After (re)playing through the video games I thought it might be fun to have a 'science bunker' to put on the table. This building is an iconic feature that actually appears in all 3 games - actually it's the only one that makes it into all of them, though the design of the 3rd one is a slightly different... anywho...

With that in mind I contemplated scratch building one from mdf, but didn't really feel like chopping the pieces up, even though the structure is basically an easy flat-top pyramid.

Anyway I trawled around on the webs and found this, from 'Knights of Dice' which is a Victorian company (happy to support local where possible).

Stylistically it's not a 100% match; a bit squatter, two entry ways, more gubbins on the sides... but a good starting point... plus, I wasn't intending to make a 100% replica. 

So that arrived (btw, these builds/plans aren't usually instantaneous, I often have a thought swirling around for weeks before I actually do anything with it). Built it, minus the gubbins and filled the bottom divot and patterns with wall plaster.
Also got some 'picket'-esque fences for around the suburban house pieces. 

Turned out acceptable. not perfect but good enough. The roof comes off but the inside is just bare (painted but no walls or content). Intended to be a slightly run down, possibly abandoned shell; possibly in use as a gang hideout or something. 

And the fences... again, acceptable. Could probably use another set as these only go around a single house (plus change), and I have 3 houses. The intention is/was probably to use them as an interrupted fence line, so some out the front and none at the back, and can use bushes to gap fill too... will do for now anyway. 

Wanted to get these squared away fairly quickly as we have game day coming up... not this weekend but next i think. So?   have some interest so will be setting up a board and running some demos... rona dependant.

I also got a couple of bags of green lichen for scatter bushes/vegetation, and am working on some bark 'rocks' also for scatter.   generally looking to soften the edges of the buildings and structures which are fairly stark and pristine. 

[Later 2021-08-08]
The following don't warrant a post of their own so just popping them in here...
Another set of fences. done in similar style to the first set. should be fine. The only mildly interesting change is that i modified the 'T' section, chopping off the smaller cross section so they're just smaller straight lengths. Should provide some options for different set ups. I could probably also cut down the longer sections if required but i'd prefer not to. 

After a fb discussion i made a couple of 'kit bash' models. Kit bash is pushing the level of effort used. These are Tyranid bits (arm weapons) which i knifed off some material, melted a bit and glued on some small lengths of filament as legs.

Fluff-wise this are 'spitters', little mutants that spit toxin. Most of the hostiles in my zona are close combat with the exception of the bandits and i'm looking to add some more 'ranged' options.
Hence these.

They'll be intentionally quite slow, but i'll give them solid armour roll and probably a 'pistol' level attack, might add some kind of toxin rule but not sure what that will entail (movement reduce by 1"  for the rest of the game due to agonising pain... maybe will reduction... dunno.)  

I also have a couple of models incoming for another ranged mutant. This is a 'bodak' which will have a primary 'face melter' attack using the 'flamer template'.  TBA WIP.

wasn't originally what i had in mind for the spitter but i actually kind of like them. Some of the non-standard mutants in my zone have a mutated vegetation theme, (the yowies)  and i like these guys as an extension of that. they might be the flower heads of a mutated plant that run around attacking threats to the plant or something.  kind of a triffid feel to them.

[update 2021-08-11]
"What the hell are those things? Don't get too close."
"They look like some kind of... ghak! aaaaurgh! My eyes!"
"Open fire!!! Open fire!!!

Painted up, magnetised and ready for boxing. I actually kind of the like them.
The hobby box is currently out of tuffs so they'll have to wait for that - potentially could do without it.
Need to whip up some stats for them still. 

Until next time...

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Zona Alfa - Solo Mission

Some pics from the game I played yesterday.

Got a few of the new terrain items I'd finished off recently on the board. Went for a 3x3' board. For the first time actually - normally I've just done bigger boards and played, 'whatever size that is'.

The smaller board keeps the Hot Spots close... which, it turns out, is super dangerous.

The Mission Object was bottom-left (the new 'tree people anomaly'). The new underground access hatches were HS's top-left and bottom-right. One in the middle of the board at the outpost, and one top-right on the second-to-rightmost generator.

The crew started on the track to the outpost. Sniper tossed a bolt at the central HS and disturbed some zombies. These were taken care of relatively easily.  The Scientists went up and checked the HS, no anomaly, so everyone booted up toward the MO. 

POI Scientists bolt tossed the MO and produced some mutants [gulp].

In the meantime random rolls were generating bloodsuckers at the generator HS and snorks at one of the Pipes...

These quickly started moving in from the party's rear, attracted by the gunfire.

The mutants quickly overpowered the scientists, taking wounds but are 2-wound critters. Tough.
ASSAULT Stalker was blasting away rather ineffectually and was also overwhelmed (being leader he has 2 wounds... and lost them both!).

SNIPER Stalker was pounced on by the remaining mutants and managed to remain Active (self-med-kit). But then the final mutant piled in,  followed by bloodsuckers from the back,  and snorks were well within range on the right....

Duh duh duaaaaaaah!

Called it there.... and it was called a tragic loss. Big time.

Several mistakes were made, probably the worst being triggering the MO with the team still spread out. Overwatch may have turned back the initial mutant charge. 

Was a silly rush really, there was no time pressure (9 turn limit : 4 + d5 : rolled 9/2 = 5). Wanted to see if I could hit up all the HS on the map as they were so close.

Was good though. Not all games could or should be victories.

The smaller 3x3' board was actually fun. Less hiking to get around the board. But as mentioned the proximity of the HS   meant the hostiles were an ever-present threat. Especially the fast ones - which all of these were... 2x8" moves meant they were on you in 2 turns at most. I'll definitely play small board again.

A house rule I use(d) was that at the end of the turn the HS have a chance of randomly triggering, releasing the hostiles even if you don't i.e. bolt toss them. This happened more frequently than the crew could handle and with tougher hostile classes. 

Was an impromptu session at the tail end of a public holiday so called it there. Was just nice to get the dice out.

Until next time...

Zona Alfa - Kontraband Crew

The last post was about 3d modelling, and these are the results.

They are by no means high art, but they're done, boxed, and good enough for the table.

The Stalkers...

The Scientists...
Generally happy with how they turned out. 

I actually gave them a run on the table yesterday, just with standard ZA rules, not Kontraband variations.

The crew was swamped by hostiles at the end of turn 4. Sniper was still standing (just) with 4 pinned counters and had 1 mutant, 3 bloodsuckers and 4 snorks about to jump on him at the start of turn 5. Quite a failure.

The Scientists were extremely underwhelming. Although ZA standard doesn't play to their advantages the lack of firepower/armour was extremely obvious. If I were to tweak the crew for playing Kontraband I'd probably add another fighter and have just one Scientist specialist HVT.

Just need to finish off the bio's for these characters and this project is complete. 

Until next time...