Zona Alfa

 aka: What's my headspace regarding this system...

[current version - dec 2022]
Zona Alfa (ZA) is something I do will occasionally do as a solo, role playing system... when the mood hits.
I enjoy the setting, and the map building.  The 'game play' is kind of a side effect of the other stuff.

I've never 'played' it with/against anyone else and I doubt I probably will tbh.
I'm contemplating seeing if the Open Page Rules (OPR) mechanics can be applied to the system, especially in terms of the combat mechanic, as this is probably a weak point of ZA.

It's pretty much relegated as a daydream sandpit - good for fluff inspiration but a bit low on the practicalities of regular game play.

It also suffers a bit from rule ambiguity and 'if only there was something cover this or that'.  Requiring a lot of house rules makes it something I feel more comfortable running only as a solo jaunt.

I do have a number of 'house rule' aspects for it, which is ok, but that makes it more a narrative/story time adventure rather than truly a 'game system' in a lot of ways.

I've got the models, terrain, equipment, books.  I like the setting and narrative so it's something i'll be holding on to. Just not something I can pull out frequently.

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