Thursday 4 March 2021

Zona Alfa - Remote Outpost

Original Draft 2021-03-01

The zone is a sprawling area, home to many unique, fascinating and deadly things. 

No on remembers the exact purpose of these outposts so old are they, but a few can still be found in the more inaccessible areas of the zone. That they exist at all in the zone's remote depths speaks of a rather large logistics budget - so most likely they are military sites, forgotten or abandoned.

It has been posited that they were intended as refit or resupply points, but for the military it seems far easier to get around by helicopter than bush-bash to these inaccessible locations.

No known examples of such architecture exist in the populous areas of the zone; demolished or replaced with something bigger and better where a permanent military ground force was needed.

The remaining examples of these small but strong shelters are highly prized assets for both bandit and free Stalker alike, and have been the focus of many intense and bloody territorial battles.

No constructed roads lead to any of the known examples, though the current inhabitants will often clear their own paths through the undergrowth if vehicular access is desired. Other are surrounded by dense bushland where the nefarious inhabitants wish to remain inconspicuous. 

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Although I don't need anymore terrain for ZA I saw a similar structure being built on FB and it just triggered the 'make it' impulse.

It's all mdf for the main structure. A few paddle pop sticks around the doors and roof . The upper roof comes off.

The larger door will be like a garage 'roller door' and i'll get some corrugated cardboard for that.  The two 'people' doorways will have doors over/in them  and the large window areas will have bars across them. 

Will use a texture paint over it once done as it's intended to be a concrete structure.

Update 2021-03-04

The clear varnish is still tacky but close enough to call it done.

Added a bunch of stuff around the windows doors, air vents etc.

Theoretically the downstairs area is a garage space or storage area, accessible by the roller door or solid metal side door. There is a hatch and ladder that goes up to the top room, and from there another solid metal door allows access to the roof areas.

Moderately happy with the end result.  It should be table useable though it's not as generic as the houses or barns.

The roof of the top level comes off, and theoretically the top level door opens though it's probably clogged by paint and whatnot - I really didn't put much effort into the door design but decided that I wanted it closed and 'secure', rather than open and dilapidated.

I ended up putting bars over the window areas - the bars are vertical rather than horizontal to make it harder to climb up them.
I don't hate it, but I really liked the clean shapes of the original (mdf) structure. It would probably be a bit abstract for a battlefield setting though.

The doors of the lower level are all glued up, and all doors are covered in texturey stuff to break up the surfaces. I didn't want too many downpipes or ways for critters to narratively get up the sides. It's intended to be able to function as a stout little fortress - as inaccessible as possibly unless you're deliberately let in.

Oh, and also I painted up another two of the anvil prints I did. Mainly just because, but also trying to get the paint mojo flowing again.  The rest of the prints have been bagged and boxed, probably won't bother with them (only a couple left anyway).

The first batch of prints I painted were 'assault' weapon themed - these ones have 'specialist' weapons.

Like the first batch they are very basic paint job. They're loaner/demo level models.

Until next time...

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