Friday 26 February 2021

Zona Alfa - Compound - Extra Containers

A while ago I ordered some Containers by '4ground'.

I'd noticed them previously and they seemed like a neat idea.

I've only just got them finished off due to being away and fairly low on hobby motivation.

The pieces present, as advertised, some various assembly options which is cool. 

Something of a mixed review follows. While they do what they say they do on the box, I'm not rushing out to get more.

A lot of newer mdf kits (they included) are adding thin/cut cardboard 'detail' sheets that are frankly a bit of a pain. I'll admit that my assembly efforts were rather lacklustre (probably 'end of project' malaise... though I believe I'm inheriting another mdf factory in the not too distant - hopefully a little smaller than the other one).

Additionally these particular kits come 'pre-painted' (a primary gimmick) however the paint rubs off and stains your fingers as you're building them. I've scrubbed the surfaces down after building them and given them a spray of clear lacquer to stop any more marking but... slightly annoying. In hindsight I prefer raw mdf and then paint them myself. 

They will fit the theme of the table well enough (probably more so that the containers I have already which are near-future/'space-ier' than I'd have liked).

Until next time...

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