Monday 2 September 2019

Necromunda - Part 5 - Enforcers

Following closely on from the newly finished Orlock Gang... Enforcers.

I caved * and picked up the 'enforcers' models and book etc. There's a small but surprising good FLGS nearby and being able to pick them up in store (even though order and wait) is worlds apart from getting an annoying 'pick up your sh1t' card from ausPost (my local post office has the most rubbish open hours despite the sign on the (usually closed and locked) front door blatting on about their levels of customer service).

* on my intention not to invest in Necromunda for the foreseeable future. Me, cave? WHAT?!

Anyway, hopefully seeing a whole bunch of zang models on the table will inspire more people on game day. 


Black undercoat, then elshin grey (a mid to dark grey) undercoat on anything not a weapon.

Null oil washes. Weapons with leadbelcher, then null oil again. A lighter metal base coat on armour plating then two washed of green over that.

Added an extra contrast colour on the weapons (a dark grey blue), saw it on the box pic and it looked ok (doesn't show up in the pics much).

First couple of models trial the yellow/green highlight. Pic lighting doesn't really capture it. It's ok, was a bit worried it would look JANG! on the eyes, but it's ok. Probably better than a pastel green which was my other line of thought.

And that's them done. Yhay. 
Pleased enough with the result. The camera doesn't capture the shading particularly well but they're table-worthy.

And this is pretty much all the 'side projects' i've got on the go done.    Kinda keen to get the printer running again anyway.

[slightly later]
Ran a trial game vs goliaths. The enforcers are/were largely underwhelming with the goliaths noticeably more resilient. i'm sure specific enforcer tactics and features might make them a bit more utilitarian once i work that stuff out... for now it's just getting stats on cards. 
Both sides were down 1 fighter out of action by turn 3 or 4. Goliaths bottled 1 turn earlier than the enforcers but their cool stat of 5+   vs  the enforcers of 7+  resulted in the enforcers having only seriously injured fighters left at the start of (roughly) turn 5. Given these would be coup de grace easily by the remaining Goliaths i called the game there.

So started this way back when. Reasonably happy with the bits i've accumulated, and almost at a point where there nothing i want to add for this particular game system.

One of the 'annoying' bits of tabletop games in general is that they come in parts.

Imagine if you wanted to play monopoly and the 'pack' you got had a quarter of the board, the chance cards, 1 player token, 1 dice, and hotels. You can't play the game with that.

Point being, i like having enough bits for the games i'm interested in to be able to play a full game without relying on other people to have bits too. Also makes demos feasible.

Given the enforcers (and the orlocks) do not have pre-printed stat cards for the gang members i copied and printed out some blank ones from the pack.
Lots of scissor work later i ran them through the laminator.

Chopped these out into cards - 15 all up. Turned out reasonably uniform so happy enough. 

Not sure what i'm going to write on them with. Pencil will leave graphite everywhere after a while. Permanent marker (sharpie) will need chemicals to remove for reuse and might destroy the laminate plastic too. non-permanent marker (whiteboard) is likely to smear all over the place too.  so dunno.   Given their load-outs are whatever is glued to them (i.e. permanent) might go the sharpie and reprint if required.

Terrain - on order
Also ordered the battlefield-accessories sci-fi under city walls (mdf) from the FLGS, which will 3Dify the board and should add to the experience substantially.

Was thinking about the feasibility of 3d printing these. It's certainly possible but the hours involved are simply not worth the hassle.    On the assumption that printing everything takes 3 spools of plastic at $30 a spool (probably an overestimation), the price difference adds to the mdf being a far better option.

Given i still haven't finished the space hulk project and i can still recall the hours invested in that... one day.

Until next time...

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