Monday 9 September 2019

Necromunda - Part 6 - Storage and Game Day Game

No, i didn't cave and get more models.

The plain plastic storage box i was previously using was too small for 4 sets of models. Technically i could fit them in there but they were kinda jammed unceremoniously with bits entangled (horizontal, vertical and all ways in between) - a sure fire way of snapping things off when you pull the models out later.

Anyway, i discovered that super cheap auto have plastic 'safe cases' but in smaller sizes. The smallest being about 20-something-cm on the long side - much smaller than the briefcase sized ones from bunnings. Picked up two of the second from smallest (all they had in stock).

Pluckety pluck on the plucky foam and managed find a workable configuration.

Was planning on this being the end of it, but after some brief testing the models clumped and moved around too much when the box was tilted etc - and kinda defeating the purposes of having a safer box for them.

I started with a substrate of mdf hot glued to the bottom of the recesses.

My flgs (tower games - currently in windsor) had suitably small magnets so these were super-glued in - mostly success though a couple pushed in a little too far (but the still generally stick).

Then some cheap metal building tape from bunnings cut to length and epoxy to the mdf.

With the exception of the pushed in magnets this all worked as planned.

The box front got a paint job; this is the aquila as used on the necromunda box/packaging. Looks better in real life. Yes, there is a non-too-subtle skull worked in the aquila (as emphasised with background pattern).

CoD Game Day
Toward the end of game day (sat 7th oct) we managed to run a quick/small/beginner (plus some advanced rules) game. Just two of us (plus bonus rules reader).  I'd trial gamed a number of times which definitely helped and my gaming buddy had read the rules enough to know what was going on. Think this was the first 'live' game for both of us.

So we had enforcers (me) vs Escher game. The durability of the models was about the same (contrasting with the most recent trial of Goliaths - who are far sturdier and resilient).

We tried out as much as we could think of though sometimes at the expense of the more tactically sound options.  So a number of shooting actions, a few close combat actions thrown in,  rolled for pinning, injuries, recoveries, ammo, bottle tests and fleeing models. Basically we wanted to be actually trying out/using the mechanics in order to learn them. Fair to say it worked.

As would be expected we were referring to the rule book a fair bit but mainly for stats and weapons special rules etc, and occasionally to confirm core rules (no point learning it wrong).

Overall it was an entertaining roll. Will definitely have another crack at it and it could end up in rotation for the thursday night sessions too (same game buddy). Will also be taking it as default to CoD days as a end-of-session wind down after doing Epic or whatever my main game is.

Until next time...

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