Tuesday 15 September 2020

Zona Alfa - Compound - norWesters

Original Idea

Barely a compound, more of a camp, but tomato - tomato.

Part of the fluff for my homebrew crew/faction is that they have a small compound vaguely near the stalls (marketplace).

With this in mind i ordered 4 mdf shipping containers as the main structural components.  I was actually after 5 but i got the order wrong, so 4 will suffice.

The elements can be repositioned or repurposed depending on what i want for board layout.

Update - Spools

Saw this concept on a recent fb post, thought it was a good idea and relatively simple, decided to make some.

spools underway. nothing complex about this. the central axle is a small section of 10mm dowel and i glued some offcuts around it.

new scatter constructed (including pallets done sometime between original thought an now) - a dude for scale...

update ends

update 2020-08-26

much has happened since last time (whenever that was). 

i made a small number of these. paddlepop 'I' beams, representing big ol' metal beams used in building construction.

Also made some barricade items. surprised i haven't posted them up before now but apparently not.

They're roof gutter-guard cut and folded into a cube/basket. then filled with little rocks.

In au we have similar barricades along the side of roads or near rivers to help keep things from eroding or rock-slides going onto roads etc.  the 'wire' is more like the reo bar from reinforced concrete but this is a post-apoc interpretation (with what i had on hand).

update ends

update 2020-09-11

Finally got my containers in from NZ. Glue still drying but only some minor detail bits left to add on.

These containers are a little more 'space age' then i'd prefer but [shrug].

This shows the general effect i'm going for. The containers provide the bulk of the walks/barricades and then the rock barricades provide cover at the entrances (perhaps on top). The containers are hollow with openable doors so will provide some more storage space for scatter terrain, i.e. the rock barricades.

Just a bit of paint to go on these and the project is about done.

update ends

update 2020-09-15

Got the containers painted. Even managed to keep the door slideable rather than clogging them up. yhay!

The Compound
Very much the end results i was aiming for...

Someone was singing too loud (or badly) and attracted some Zombies...

The guard raises the alarm and the crew grabs their gear. A small flanking force takes off from the back entrance.

While the main group pours out the front.

The components can all be used for any other type of board scatter terrain, and the above configuration actually uses quite a lot of what i have made (not so good for the rest of the board).

The plan is that the compound can be used to create narrative focus for missions (amongst others of course); perhaps bandits raided it while everyone was out at the stalls and they're still there, perhaps the bandits are about to raid it and it's in need of defence... who knows. options available.

And that concludes the project.

update ends

update 2020-09-21

Of course it doesn't !

Something i was aiming from an early stage was some sandbag features. I got some made using knead-it and got them painted up over the weekend.  These are quite solid and heavy. 

Only made two and I guess they will probably be on top of the containers as 'lookout turrets'. There are probably enough entry point cover features around the sides of the containers etc.
Theoretically i wouldn't mind two more but i don't think i could be bothered.

So they're stacks of sandbags obviously and they're sitting on 'metal'... supports... bases...  the idea is a reinforced thick metal base at the bottom (for even more protection). just made of paddle-pop sticks.

Oh and i also made a little campfire which is actually a print from the anvil stls. Had to scale it up a bit (125%) to be useful. I'm sure it will make an appearance in future battle reports. Just so the camp is a little cosier.

update ends

until next time...

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