Tuesday 21 April 2020

Planet-610 Test Game 2

On a whim i decided to take some newly forged terrain pieces for a spin. Quick game.

Reusing my epic trees but made up some coaster size plates to put them in (back quarters). And made some foliage-something pieces (front quarters) from some orange juice bottle tops.

Deployed: Investigator/IG left side, Magos and cultists to the right.

Forces moving up. Previous game had less cover in the centre from memory. 

The battle extended most of the way across the board instead of resembling toddlers playing soccer. 

Think the game only lasted 6 or so turns. IG were ahead when i called it a day.

Game only took about 1/2 hour to get through. the runs and stats becoming more familiar. No rule tweaks as i was going along helped. 

End of game results. Still working out a good format for cards/stat recording but this was not terrible. 

Equipment required. All on something the size of an oversized place mat. Then again a monopoly board or standard chess board are much the same too.  Not so typical for tabletop war gaming though. 

I'll be looking to add some mission goals next time around rather than just slog it out in the middle.
I'm thinking that randomly rolling asymmetrical goal might really suit this setting - as in one side need to i.e. assassinate the other commander, and the other side needs to i.e. get as many characters off the other side of the board or something.

Am also considering making some more character models, specifically some demons. I don't have a lot of convertible 'human' size models around (marines are generally too big). however i could potentially use some of those and just melt them with a lighter or something... not going to bother printing specifically for this game so will just see what's in the bitz box.
[later: the only decent human size models i have in filament are the vraks infantry (don't really want to dispose of those just yet) and the old BT neophytes. Given i'm planning on disbanding that army they might be fair game. slightly bigger than 'normal' models but possible.]

Until next time...

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