Thursday 11 April 2019

Epic Models - a middle

So i was talking 3d printing with some local folk and ended up lining everything up. i like lining things up... and grouping things... and lining up groups of things... [sigh]

Anyway, so i got all my boxes of marines and cleared the table...

i always want to play mainly marines. the other stuff is more an attempt to understand other forces but i've developed some liking for them (alternates) as well.
The imperial fists (yellow) are my first army and the most diverse set, where my intention was to print out different types of models, find out what i like, and then get 'original' models over time.
One could conclude that that plan kinda went out the window...
Mainly an excuse to chuck up some pics since i have them...

then i decided 'why not get everything out'...
so, codes:
a) dark hands - i made a set for a friend and a duplicate set as a learner/demo set
b) imperial fists
c) rust wolves (homebrew) - starter set for someone who is still to collect/use them
d) death knights - original a gift set which i got back
e) kraits divergent (homebrew) - a pet fluff project
f) black templars - my faves, i admit it
g) knight world - House Sython (homebrew)
h) ad mech titan legion - unnamed
i) eldar - nominally biel tan - attempting to understand what they do. some of everything. not sure if an particular 'tournament grade' lists possible from available models, probably/possibly
j) tyranids - quantity over quality. not a huge amount of diversity and more a fun build. again, not sure how viable the unit's i've amassed are re tournaments
k) chaos marines/red corsairs. just generic marine stuff really, could add some demons and list specific stuff (/formations) to fill it out. was kind of the initial intention but got side-tracked. one day maybe (they're fun to play against too)...
L) vraksians. varied basic units/formation. not a lot of specialist variant units. enough to assemble a couple of lists (which i've seen in use)

and that's it. that's how i've been spending my time since... wow... approximately January 2016.

most of the projects are at a 'perpetually stable point'. could probably (as per red corsairs) expand out the forces and work on actual lists. probably won't unless there is some inspiration such as a reinvigoration of the local scene but you never know.

Safe to say that my Epic progress is pretty much coming to a middle.

[couple of days later: I was at the local shops and managed to track down the new (and small) FLGS. The owner had a photon printing a 'test cube' thingy. said he'd only got it running the night before.
The printer wasn't as stinky as i'd envisaged (at all really, though he said he put on two filter pads (whatever that means)). The printer itself is a little smaller than i'd imagined, probably foot print less than the up!mini but maybe a hand-span taller. Definitely got me contemplating resin again.
If (and it's a big if) i do end up getting one i think i'd like to have a print list ready to go. the idea of continually cleaning up the printer and not printing for weeks has less appeal. i'd probably want to print out everything i want for (i.e. eldar) army upgrades (or entire rebuild) and then box it until next project. it was nice with the filament printer to be able to leave it set up and print as required but i think that's not too good for the resin printer from what i understand - could be wrong though.]

Until next time...

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