Monday 17 December 2018

Different Games - Different Mindsets

Bit of a mixed-bag post this one...

Gothic - Reinforcements
Managed to print out 3 Sword Frigates and 2 Dauntless Light Cruisers. Painting started obviously. This will remain on stick until the majority of the painting done to avoid splatter on the clear (x-wing) sticks - probably not too far away.
The idea with these is to run 2 squadrons of 3 swords providing the weapons batteries to remove shields, then the Dauntless will swoop in with the front Lances to make damage.
Should also be fairly fast in and out hopefully.
See how that works out on the table. 

Also started working on some name banners for the ships.

[a wee update 2018-12-21] New ships almost done. They now just require a little white paint dot on the engines and they're boxable... which need new ship cradles cut into the foam.
Additionally, all the ships in the fleet are getting a little more colour. i'm going the white-based yellow/green that i had previously splashed on the ordinance bombers/fighters.
All the small ships (escorts/light cruisers) are now yellow-prow'ed.  All the 'serious' ships are just getting a few panels here and there.

Still on new BFG stuff; a game buddy mentioned thunderhawk ordinance models. so i modelled some up and did some test prints.  Actually, i've since printed out all the batch but am yet to desprue them (which is fiddly and boring)... and they need bases printed.
The larger print is a 250% scale test just to check the model is ok. The smaller blobby prints are actual size. they're ridiculously small but are at least vaguely thunderhawk-esque blobbys.

Sydney weather at the moment is a fricken mixed bag. Storms, beating sun, torrential rains, occasional cold spells.

Despite routinely getting pummelled more that absolutely necessary the coffee plants are getting bigger. The lower, older leaves are pretty weathered (usually removed) but the tops are proving resilient enough to the climactic stupidity. Really over Sydney storms at the moment.
Hang in there guys. 

Just an observation i made while driving home after playing BFG last night.

As gamers or game enthusiasts we often partake of several different games to various levels of fanaticism during our 'careers'. 

As i've mentioned before i tend to prefer games with Alternating Activations (aka AA)  (i.e. Epic, HGC) over UgoIgo games (i.e. BFG, WH40k).

For the non-gamers (i can only assume you're a fellow amateur coffee farmer... or lost... welcome):
Alternating Activations: The player moves one unit/model/formation and then the other player moves one unit/model/formation. The players alternate moving u/m/f until there all u/m/f have moved. This concludes the turn. Commence next turn.
UgoIgo: One player moves all their u/m/f one after the other. The other players then moves all their u/m/f. This concludes the turn. Commence next turn. 

I actually contemplated briefly what chess would be like as UgoIgo... probably very stupid. White goes first... move, move, move, checkmate... game over.

Anyway, we were playing BFG and discussing list composition and something i was wondering about at the time - due to my Epic origins - was activation count. It later occurred to me that in UgoIgo activation count (the number of separate formations or units on the table) makes far less difference (especially) in BFG, and the role it plays is far different.

This is, in hindsight, fairly obvious. My driving reverie was more about the adaptation of mindset between games, rules, mechanics etc.

In AA we sometimes use smaller/less vital units to stall to make the opponent 'play out their hand', but this is pointless in BFG. This creates a 'con' of lowering the amount of fire being used by any single unit.

When it's '...Igo' all of my ships move, shoot, launch ordinance etc. There is no need (or possibility) to stall.

In BFG you actually have a nice advantage in that a single ship can target multiple enemies.
Having multiple ships allows you more adaptable positioning, the possibility of splitting enemy fire, reducing your damage .

Bottom line, i should probably try to better 'empty the cup' and review my fleet list.

[much later 20190704:  interesting vid re early war gaming here. and funnily enough chess variants... ha!]

Until next time...

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