Monday 10 September 2018

A Quick One - Chaos-a-rama

Yeah, i'll be making a few more trees...
...but don't worry i won't be bringing the blow-by-blow build boredom this time around.

Epic Day
Yesterday (Sunday) was Epic day. Put a 3k list of Vraksians on the table, my first time 'properly' running Vraksians.    2:0 loss; still had a few models on the table but not much scope to do anything strategic. AKA the Vraksians were toast.
The army was generally useful, they activated far better than my previous (test) game (at 1.5k points), but i sometimes wonder why i bother playing given how consistently poor my dice rolls are.
First Example: The regimental command formation (13 inf sticks + 2 chimeras + 3 support fire) so 18 dice in total, launched an assault and then failed to roll a single hit. Not one.
To put this better into context the values rolled were by majority 1s and 2s, with the occasional 3 and i think one 4. so it's not like i was just falling short, this was like the dice were switched to fail.
Second Example: I had my 2 Deathstrikes shooting at a character WE. both hit (2 plus with sustained fire is hard to fail) so titan killer d6.... roll 2 dice and that's how many hits you make against the target, no saves, no nothing (well... except shields). rolled double 1. So one-shot 200 points formation flushed down the bog...
Which is entirely why i don't gamble AT ALL.
The Vraks list wasn't terrible, might need a tweak or two before i try them again. My concern is the list's 150pt formations that are so weak that losing 1 unit immediately breaks them - combined with token firepower output, and no scope to bolster the formation with extra units. Am thinking of maxing out on tank blobs somehow.

Box of Chaos 
During the last week i got around to magnetising my Chaos stuff. At the moment this combines the Vraksians and the Chaos Marines army that i started way back when - at least until one or both of them grows further.

The Chaos list will need at least some demons and war engines before it's usable... dunno.

Later: 2018-11
Aldi brought back their art boxes so have got a couple. Couldn't resist, they're much nicer than the others AND half the damn price!!
Got some A4 mag sheets and viola [yes deliberate]. Having all the models already done made the whole process 99% painless.
Lots of room in there now for little demon hordes etc to be summoned.
Those Heldrakes are so bulky. I really like the model but for now they're floating (not magnetised) with wingtips poking up through the hole... oh well.

Until next time...

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