Friday 10 August 2018


[original post chunk 20180716]

does hobby paint even set when it's super-cold?

got all the (re)highlighting finished on the swarm (yhay!).

and have started with the detail colours... the biovores, warriors and first squad of termagants now have shooters.


Everything gets teeth and claws as required...

And then dotting 100 beady little red eyes...

They not pretty, but they are numerous...

Astrogranite finally finished...

[and done... finally]

It's now the 30th, so a good couple of weeks since starting the 'detailing' for the horde. A slow job. of the whole buggy family...

i immediately started magnetising the bases, as this mass of infantry sticks sliding round in a box would give me the irrits real quick. 

i've commandeered the art box that was holding the imperial BFG for these guys. needed a better setup for the BFG anyway.

The nids technically all fit on one level of the box. Once you add magnets they tend to space further apart than they do without magnets (the above is a bit too much but the bases are freshly painted and space avoids them sticking together until it's totally cured). i may also add some units of gargoyles, lictors and/or other specialist units once i work out what i'm going to do with the army.

[later] have printed the box icons and they're on the paint desk.

[later than that] the icons were done, attached and the box completed. 

For now the swarm is done.


Have done some sanding and sprays of filler-primer but some of the striation is pretty deep. dark colours definitely helps hide the layers (except shadows).


i've been painting and gap filling with acrylic gesso. 
Panel beating...

Happy enough with the visible surfaces (read: throws hands in the air and gives up)...

Everything gets a coat of black (on top of all the other several coats so far)...

Under tone green is fairly orky. Once this is solid'ed up i'll drop a wash of blue or green or both over it to deepen it.  i may end up using a dark grey for the highlight panels.

And this is the current endpoint for this project. Could really do with some painted text or icons or external widgets or whatnot... and some highlights... and some scatter effects on the base (i think i have some 'oil drums' etc around somewhere).

Just fits in the SWL terrain box. If i ever get around to rejigging the model i might take 4mm out of the risers on the vertical 'tail' engine parts. Just knife, glue and touch up.

Will do for now. 

RL not compatible with lots of hobbying at the moment... took the better part of a month to get these done. Nothing much of interest on the hobby table at the moment.

Until next time...

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