Friday 22 June 2018

A Slow Spell

I've just started a new job and a steep learning-curve combined with a substantial commute has put further dampeners on hobby momentum... which is fine really, it's too cold to spend much time in the garage at the moment anyway.

Legion Containers
I did manage to finish off my SW Legion (SWL from here on in) container terrain piece. Turned out ok. Was vaguely intending on painting on lettering for the 'plain' containers but i don't mind them unbranded (the 2 non-red containers do not have the 'engraved' text and symbols).

Haven't managed to have any further SWL games given work commitments and being away etc. soon though hopefully.

Epic Bugs
Speaking of away, I had a quasi-trial game of Epic whilst in Canberra looking at the possibility of running a 'fun' tyranid army.   The results were interesting but showed the army to be somewhat unwieldy (at least at my (low) skill level) or at least probably requiring niche configuration to be competitive (which is potentially dull and unfluffy). It also highlighted the need for more doilies in the game.

I also chatted to a far more experienced gaming amigo for his spin on Nids. Got some tips which i won't delve into but i've kind of decided to slowly push the project forward (no urgency, as they're not going to be tournamenty or even frequently used... if ever).

So have started cranking out sprues of Termigants.   One of my 'concerns' was the weakness of CC-centric armies of which Tyranids are a prime example; they're FF capable, but pretty ordinary at it (to be generous) and Range Attacks are few and far between (to be generous).

The sample lists provided by my gaming compadre were fairly jam-packed with Termigant swarms (which i'd hoped to avoid in favour of Hormagaunts (the CC specialists)) but this will at least provide me with a usable 'base level' army which i can then season to taste.

Until next time...

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