Sunday 6 May 2018

A Few Projects - Some Progress

Just a collections of things i've been working on recently...

Necromunda (a)
I've been working on the terrain (doors/barricades) that came in the box set for the last few week on and off.
Finally done!!
There are still ammo boxes to be done... sometime.

Necromunda (b)
Picked up the Orlock box and dice. Still have book and cards to get but figured i can wait until the figures are painted. [ed: or never.]
Talked to the chap at (Penrith) GW and he mentioned they might be trying to set up a regular evening for N17 sometime in the not too distant... which is somewhat positive.

Everything gets a coat of black. [ed: and there is remains.]

Necromunda (c)
There's still very little interest in Necromunda locally. My orlocks are still black based;  van saar have been released but don't think i could be bothered getting/building more gangs just to have them boxed and never played... which leads to...

Star Wars Legion
Had a demo game of Star Wars Legion on Saturday at the LOCAL hangout. 
I had previously watched some youtube demos which definitely helped.

First impressions:  a reasonable system, entertaining, logical, fast moving... reminiscent of x-wing in many ways.

Looks intriguing and the people were friendly; so got the starter box.

Have assembled already [not bothering with pics at this stage - and superglued the pik out of my fingers like an amateur] and am making my way through the rule book in detail.

Whilst i like the 40k universe about ten thousand times more than i like Star Wars universe, at the moment i'd happily settle for a semi-decent system and local folk to consistently roll dice against.

Sweet frack all. Not inspired. Had a couple of 1500pt games... maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago, and am due for Epic weekend next weekend.

No new armies, no new models, no noticeable inspiration. Chris has been doing other things and appear to be happy with that for now.

Space Hulk 3D
Over the last week i managed to plaster up all the pieces. just filling in the worst of the gaps and divots and sanding that back.
"so does that mean you're up to painting?" you ask.
sadly no. i'm now at... well... the creative stage. i'll be gluing on the bits and pieces from my bitz box - grinding out some gnarly, shredded gouges - melting some plasma damage into the bulkhead etc.
running around pristine corridor sections kind of defeats the purposes so i need to add some atmosphere and make it look like an ancient, lived-in, beat up old... hulk.

Probably want a slightly larger storage box as the segments probably won't sit as nicely once i make the wall surfaces a bit more random.

[slightly later] i'm also considering hitting everything with a coat of filler-primer. super-cheap auto have an aerosol version; means more sanding and finishing, but might be worth it to dull the striations, especially since it's so ubiquitous through-out the project.
I'm also considering making some star war legion terrain pieces and might be good to clean it up a bit using filler etc.

and finally... safety...

someone on thingi posted up a cover for the electrics on the printer (the only thing i've printed for a week or so).
i'm super not into OH and BS, preferring the swanson code or just plain ol' common sense. but even as i assembled the printer (way back when) the exposed electrics seemed like an iffy oversight.
After a 3 hour print i had a wonky cover that would do the job anyway (aka bed lift that was belatedly strapped down with the metal strips and bulldog clips).

Hot Tip:  something i like to do is take photos of how things were BEFORE i take them apart... so when i assemble them back up the wrong way and it trips my garage fuses with a scary 'POP!' i can refer to how they should be.
i made the silly mistake of assuming that the wires would hold their relative position enough when i removed them from the switch.

All worked out in the end; printer runs plus less chance of high-voltage death, so this is my happy face.

Until next time...

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