Tuesday, 3 January 2023

OPR - One Page Zona - Homebrew Ruleset

I'm pretty wrapped with OPR; simple, quick, versatile, play big, play small, use whatever model you want/have.  So of course I think... can I make this work with Zona Alfa?

Turns out I can.  This is the link to the current rule which are kept updated as I make changes...

One Page Zona (pdf)

It's based around OPR/GFF as the main ruleset, and then adds some simplified mechanics for Hot Spots, Mission Objectives, Anomalies, Artifacts, Salvage etc etc etc.   It's not intended to crowbar every aspect of ZA into the game, it's intended to add enough (flavoured) exploration functionality to get a similar feel.    One could of course add more (or less) to taste.   Your game, your rules - as ever.

Over the new year public holidays I managed to play a few little test games - combined battle reports/results are here (pfd).

It worked quite well. I didn't encounter any glaring issues.  It was fun, it was intense, and it was still simple.

I started out super-simple.  This is a little 1.5'x1.5' cardboard board, just to kick things off and move models around.   2x Veteran STALKERs with base/default kit were able to deal with the Hot Spot and Mission object without too much bother.  I rolled up two batches of Bandits, and although dangerous at range they're relatively squishy targets - especially compared to some of the other hostiles types.

Next mission was much the same but with slightly different map.  Rolled up some rats and then bandits.

The bandits were a bit sporty but the STALKERS dealt with them without taking too much damage. Anomalies appeared from both points but ran out of time before I could search them.

The next three games were a series that I ran end to end, no equipment upgrades of anything like that in between though I did boost the crew before heading back out into the Zone.  Mainly I just wanted to reuse the map and not make a new one.   I put some printed grass colour onto the cardboard and it works well enough.    I actually really like this tiny format.  It's entirely immediate so you get into the action right away.  I'm kind of contemplating making a nicer board at this size, and perhaps a 2x2' as well. we'll see....

Anyways, I played 3 missions and tried out some of the different mission scenarios. 

And was able to battle... most of the hostile types (no dogs).

Zombies are tough but have weaker attacks.  Mutants are tough with hard attacks but there are only a couple of them.  Rats are time fillers.  Bandits can be a threat if there's other things going on.  Ghouls are fast, with more attacks but not as tough as the others.   It's an ok mix, I might tweak it slightly here and there, but it's more than good enough for now.

The first two (prior) missions were fairly lucrative for the crew so they hired a couple of Toughened STALKERS and geared everyone up a bit for these missions. Definitely helped, but I compensated with an extra HS and some (possibly) tougher mission conditions.  It's intended as a narrative builder so flexibility is pretty important.

I'd like to get some feedback from players of both systems, but that might be a bit difficult. In the meantime I'll keep pecking away at the document and hopefully having some games and developing it through testing and games.

The tiny maps are bloody simple to set up (for wargaming) so there's not much excuse not to.  I really do like this setting,  the fluff is so open for exploration and imagination. Now combined with super-simple mechanics it's even better.

I remember when I'd snub any game on less than a 6x4' board... times change no.  I probably should have some trial games on larger boards to see how viable this all is when played on a much large environment. even a 3x3' make travel/movement a far bigger consideration. should do a 6x4' as well.

Until next time...

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