Tuesday 29 October 2019

Epic - New Templars - pt9 - Batch Paintings

So all that printing that happened in part 7 is now painted up.

Dreadnoughts. Pretty happy with these.

Vindicators. Very happy with these.

Rhinos, 2 formations worth. Largely indifferent about these.

Drop pods - closed. The two at the front at dreadnought sized. Liking these.

Drop pods - open. could possibly do with a tiny bit more detail... perhaps a ledge on the inner floor. Pretty happy for a first attempt though.

Deathstorm Drop Pods. Happy enough with these. Probably prefer the 'full stripes' to the partial stripes on the originals.

So this is everything i've built so far. Unfortunately this is about 1/2 the full army. Strike Cruiser should probably be included at this stage as well.

There is of course more than enough to run the army in a game - plenty of points there, however some of the mandatory formations are missing - specifically, need more Tacticals.

With these off the painting table it's time for the next batch to get the army 'legal'.

I've been assembling and preparing the next batch (the last big block to be done, with some final units still to be printed) over the last couple of weeks.

Matt spray.

Sword brethren (and a couple of sticks of chaplain) - these are going to look rad when they're done.  Poor lighting, poor photography and too much red in the previous pics didn't do them justice but there's enough detail in these sticks to give them a bunch of character.

I mounted the xiphons on some left over acrylic rod and some throw away bases for spray painting. At some stage (possibly after null oil washes, or even dry brushing) i'll snap the rods out and replace them with transparent rods instead.

The land speeders will also be on transparent acrylic rods. so base painting them unmounted as well.

Bikes, fairly plain. There are 2 'sergeants' with chainswords, 2 stands where the bikes are turning/leaning/banking, and 1 stand where a guy is popping a mono - just for variety.

So as well as the above there are also 5 formations of Tacticals * in the batch, and also the 3rd thunderhawk.

* The army list requires a certain ratio of Tactical formations before you can take specialist formations. So you need to take 1 Tactical formation and then you can take e.g. 1 Terminator formation and 1 Predator formation.

I started cleaning up the green stuff on the 2 landing craft. just scraping, sanding and slicing. 1 is done, the other to do.    just a matter of getting around to it, nothing overly taxing.

I started printing the neophyte models.  2 print batches done out of 4 all up.   Decided i want 3 sets of 6 stands - 18 stands with 5 models a piece = 90 models (print batch contains 25 models).
i frankensteined some guard model bits onto some marines models in sketchup and came up with 5 neophyte models. they're actually printing almost perfectly (weapons included). Will probably interject a 'real' marine on each stand or perhaps every second stand for variety.
The neophytes technically (not that you'd see it) don't have pauldrons, the marine helmets, and no backpack. apart from that they're more or less the same.

Just have neophyte, storm ravens and attack bikes to print and that's the army done. so quite close.

[Update 20191031]
managed to get the neophytes and attack bikes done after the printer flat-out decided it wasn't printing at all on tuesday.

guess which ones were new resin and which got the left overs...

just massed storm ravens to go!!!

Until next time...

Epic - New Templars - pt8 - Strike Cruiser

"I'm sure i heard a 'never again' when it comes to big ol' ships," i hear you say.

Yeah, that's still the case. However...

However, i am pouring a whole bunch of time, effort and resin into the new army's Strike Cruiser.

My old Templar army had an 'upscale' BFG ship as its generic/token space craft (could represent a strike cruiser or a battle barge... whatever).

This is based on the same model with...some substantial changes.

Looks weird, and you have some weird extra axes.

If only...

So now the the ship is split into two main pieces with a hollow in the centre that holds a frickin' laser.

This is used to mark the SC bombardment zone or drop site for drop pods etc. 

"you mad man."


To be fair, i did sketchup the model and take dimensions and make sure i could get magnets and all that kind of background research before printing a single damn thing. And generally thing are going to the big-picture plan - even if the fine details are requiring some percussive maintenance.

There are/were several issues that make the project... effectively non-reproducable. By this i mean i can't just crank our prints and they fit together (ha, haha, hahahaaaaahahahaaaha... funny guy).

There's a bunch of sculpting, fitting, scraping, cursing, gluing (resin and fingers), sanding, eye-rolling and general 'hobbying' involved.

- the switch part is not right.  it work on the sketchup model but in real life, nope. i'm going to need to either redesign the switch and carve out a bunch of the internal wall of the recess... or extend the button so it reached through... or something (tba). 

- The entire flat surface was out (missing from the print *) by about 1-2mm on both pieces. This means i needed to print a 2mm 'gasket' which has been glued to one of the pieces.

whenever i'm thinking i've got a handle on the print process a little electronic gremlin pops out and screams 'that's what you think !!

i've added rafts to all of the pieces to help adhesion to the build plate, but this is somehow being incorporated into the height of the model... i just don't understand what the software thinks it's doing.  frustrating.
you'd expect it to print what you've modelled... what's on the screen... and what the slicer says it's going to print... [shakes head]

anyway, i like puzzles and this one is well underway. it's engineering and crafting and generally frustrating but fun. but never again  :) 

While the sides both have magnets set flush to the surface (more or less, needs to be fixed) this is just to stop it fall apart in your hands. it will be secured fore and aft with tiny nuts and bolts as the 'permanent connection'... once all the switching stuff is resolved.

This bolt holes are then covered by some guns at the front and the engines at the rear. All of which are magnetised too.

The ship (once completed) with be mounted using some of the acrylic rod i've not (same stuff as for the BT fliers) and a 60mm acrylic disk i had leftover from BSF. 

[update 20191024]

soooo, all the bits are now in place. magnets are set and working all the assembly is pretty much done.

the (manually) re-engineered laser switch works fine and consistently. everything comes apart and back together in a controlled (non-fall apart in your hands) way.

the only bits missing are 2x 2mm nut and bolt and the mirror for the laser. will pick up a cheap mirror this evening (game sess and top ryde). bunnings... apparently don't have anything in 2mm (not surprising) will try jaycar... 

settled for this magnet configuration for the rear covers. could have printed another piece. still could and glue to this one... couldn't be bothered for now.

[update 20191029] i was bothered later on - printed the extra pieces and fixed it all up. easy job.

the front covers work fine. not a precision fit but good enough.

really want to get some paint on this to make it look less crappy.

[update 20191029]
This is the original version of the ship i use for Epic...

This is the new version...
not a huge size difference but it is noticeable.

So this is about as much as i ended up being bothered with the painting. Probably could do some more... but this works for now. 

laser off...

laser on...

here you can see the little port on the underside where the laser comes out. 

the laser doesn't 'spill' through the model like it did when unpainted - kinda glowed in that mirror section. as expected. also there not too many gaps at the major connection facing so it doesn't spill out there either.
not that the connections or join is perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

so couldn't find a super-small bolt-nut combination in my spares but did managed to find just some suitable bolts. heated them up a little and cut them into the resin. works well enough.

the stands are just glued in place. seems strong enough. treat with due respect and they shouldn't need reinforcement. 

i reseated the mirror to get a slightly better beam. it's not super crisp (though it's far better) but that wasn't really expected, and probably not possible given the size of things in there - it's actually reflecting though the side of the glass not the face so not ideal but there's no room to move in there.
i also dropped some super-glue onto the laser casing to ensure it doesn't move. was causing issues with the switch as it rotated sometimes. not too much glue so should be able to crack it loose if needs batteries or whatever.

just letting the paint harden up a bit but basically it's done... reminds me i should put some clear finish on it as well.  almost done.

Until next time...

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Chapter Summary - Angel Spear

[just a compilation of fluff i had. a place to accumulate such stuff.]

Angel Spear

The origins, history and operations of the Angel Spear Astartes Chapter are largely unknown. What is known is accumulated from a few scattered snippets, records, and recounted observations.

The Angel Spear are believed to be a Codex compliant chapter.

They are believed to originate from the Segmentum Pacificus.

Colour Scheme and Iconography
At a quick glance the Chapter could be easily confused with the ubiquitously renown Imperial Fist Chapter based solely on colour. This could belie a possible origin.

However, the ‘Angel’ in the Chapter name could imply ties to the Blood Angels and the angel [Sanguinius].

To make the matter even less clear, the Chapter icon bears striking similarities to the Dark Angels icon.

The Chapter’s livery (as described from sightings of their fleet and armour) is based on a solid gold undertone with highlights of red-bronze.

Operations - Fleet
The Angel Spear are known to operate at least one mid-sized fleet. The Chapter’s warships were involved in the Lockhead Campaign within the Turbidious Sector. Here they worked with the Imperial Navy’s Battlefleet Raphael commanded by Admiral Sheila Aranaxi.

The fleet is lead by High Captain Tane Jomaro aboard the Battle Barge Maximus. At least five Strike Cruisers make up the bulk of the fleet, and there are an assortment of escorts and support ships.

There are two recorded battles involving the fleet (both acknowledged as successful):

i) A convoy mission where a section of the fleet was tasked with escorting some vital supplies through chaos infested region.
   Under the command of Captain Tanau [Cpt Tanau – The Perfect Strike, Cpt Baranat – Baroda’s Skull] they managed to thwart the Chaos forces attempts to cripple the supply ships, though loses were taken.

ii) A Seek and Destroy mission where the full force of the fleet was tasked with destroying a large Chaos build up.  The fleet smashed into their Chaos opponents causing significant harm, then sent the remnants of the foe fleeing from the system.
   These engagements were not without lose and the fleet is currently refitting and repairing before embarking on the next mission.

Operations – Other
A single member of the Angel Spear Chapter was recorded as taking part in somewhat nefarious operations aboard the Blackstone Fortress at Precipice in the Segmentum Pacificus.

The few records that exist note the operative as ‘Quaesitor Daram Rogan’.

The marine is believed to be a Sergeant based on markings (red stripe on helmet), but a specialist qualified in such matters suggest a brevet rank of Lieutenant may have been issued due to markings on his armour (the skull on the left pauldron).
The title ‘Quaesitor’ [investigator, explorator, researcher] implies he may have been sent on a specific quest at the Chapter’s behest.

The operative’s purposes and goals were never disclosed, but it could be assumed that they were either accomplished or unattainable as he was specifically recorded as leaving Precipice.

He was known to collude or cooperate with a known Ecclesiast operating in the area at least on an expedientary basis.

Epic - New Templars - pt7 - Are we there yet?

[original draft: 2019-10-15]

Have been cranking out prints like the end is in sight (oh when oh when will the end be in sight?!)

With the infantry complete i've been alternating prints for other people and prints for myself.;aka getting stuff out of the way.

For others i've done...

- a set of nephilims (aircraft)

these turned out great on the top and slop underneath. only one model (bottom right in pic) actually printed correctly out of four. the other 3 had underneath print issues. however, the guy i'm  printing them for is extremely talented with modelling and painting and will be able to hobby them into submission. wasn't looking forward to more 5 hour prints for probably semi-failed results.   The printer really doesn't like underhang... and these guys are 50% underhang.

- a big ol' herd of biovores (tyranid artillery)

20 of these little critters. 1 per 20mm base. relatively high detail which actually shows and will look great painted up. no printing mayhaps except from a slew of memory issues (yet again *).

- and a set of knight accessories (canons/missiles)
these look really small but given they're going on knights not titans they might be ok.

* the memory issues seem to arise when the memory stick is hot-swapped. turning the power off at the wall, rather than just the switch on the box seems to help reset things too. the more complex the model the more likely an issue too (maybe). also seating when plugged in may affect it (maybe). once a model is demonstrated to actual work it's almost mandatory to keep churning that model til you're done for risk of memory issues.

- [update - 20191029] and a bunch of BFG 
chaos ordinance marker ships for someone else...

turned out ok with minimal effort. run out of maroon and onto orange.
the dreadclaws  didn't really print 'correctly'. the little claws aren't actually attached to the body and are only held in place by the supports. however it's perfectly possible to pull them off the supports and glue them together... just more work.

For myself i've done...

- land speeders


2 sets of 5. these turned out great. a bit of remodelling just to zuzsh them up a bit. not everything showed up (too fine a detail) but looks better than the old ones. now has a multi-melta instead of a heavy bolter.   will be using the clear acrylic rod to mount them rather than printed sticks or wire.   only one tiny print error which was the little 'wing' at the back misprinted (thin) on 1:5 models, but nothing i can resolved with a smear of green-stuff - 4 of 5 printed perfect which is a massive win.

- bikes


2 sets of six. printed great. did a little remodelling just because. also made a sergeant with a chainsword as a variant.     printed a bunch of 20x20 bases for the bikes and land speeders.    haven't done attack bikes for the bike formations yet.  probably should start on a model at some stage but pretty uninspired for that project.

- sword brethren

remodelled some low-poly models with chainswords and bolt pistols. haven't quite finished printing all these yet. the bolt pistols had the now-standard magazine issues. will print some separate ones and glue them up.     might remodel some of the extras to form the chaplain stands i also need to do. have plenty of bolters/missiles for those as well.

need a bunch more bases once the models are done printing.

turns out i had enough bases floating around for these guys. printed a whole bunch of bolt pistols too. have started adding them on but gonna take a while. pretty much every model needs doing. to that's 120 models. eeish! 

there is a spare stand of models and a spare (kinda) stand of bolt pistols too (misprinted). only 4 of the blocks are required for the 2 formations.

i was lucky to get these done as there was a small (but growing) rip on the FEP (the clear plastic sheet that forms the bottom of the vat).
on the very last print it compromised a bit and leaked a bit but not everywhere.   had to clean the projection screen which took a while but need to be gentle with the (assuming it's) glass. lots of iso and gentle scraping and it's clean as. 

also replaced the FEP while i was there, got a pack of 5 or so a while back and i think this is the second replacement.

turns out that marks and creases etc on the plastic don't make a huge impact on the print quality. there was quite an abrasion 'smear' in the middle of the plastic sheet and it didn't muck up the actual print model at all. so don't need to replace just because it's scuffed.

During assembly...

And done. Two formations of sword brethren.

i'm reasonably happy with the end result and will NEVER make these again. replacing 120 tiny bolt pistols is tiresome to the extreme.

the models are very fragile. lots of thinner parts. dropping one is almost guaranteed to shatter off a something (thank bob for the spare prints... always make spare prints).  a sheath of paint should make them a little more resilient, not that i'm expecting to be juggling with them or anything.

This leaves to be printed/assembled for this project:
- 24 stands of neophytes (yeaach, more fiddly crap)
- 18 stormravens
- 1 strike cruiser
- 3 chaplains
- 4 attack bikes

the maroon resin is now gone except for a small dribble, so onto my bottle of orange, see how that goes. should have more than enough to finish off the BT project.

[update - 20191023]
chaplains assembled from left overs.

They're not getting printed skull helmets, will jsut paint them white and black dot the eyes. 

and finally...
from the painting desk, progress is definitely being made on the earlier prints. 

Am onto the second layer of astrogranite, so the end is in sight for these guys. next couple of days should see them complete complete.   will be nice to have them boxed away. still need to come up with a storage solution for this growing army.

my clear acrylic sticks of AC/skimmer bases has arrived so can start work on painting/finishing those pieces now too. 

Until next time...

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Epic at The Games Cube

Sunday (29th September) we had a impromptu game session at The Games Cube in Parramatta.

Was just two of us. Given there is no October CoD day (due to MOAB event) i'm looking at this as kinda my replacement session.

Was good. We had Krieg (imperial guard) vs my Knights.

Was something different for my opponent as they haven't been up against knights before and they're a bit different to many of the other armies being used locally (marines, eldar, dark eldar, vraksians, chaos, ork (orks are probably the most similar in style to krieg)).

Don't particularly want to make this a full battle report, just some pics and notes. 

The Krieg list had lots of heavy-hitting blobs that were to be avoided in either close-combat (gorgon infantry) or at range (stormblade, shadowsword, macharius group and warhound pack).

Without any super-specific strategy in mind i divvied up my force into left and right groups.

Turn one was shifting things forward a bit but making sure not to over extend.
From memory my opponent jumped too far ahead with his warhound pack and lost one of them to a clipping assault.  The baron group doubled and shot to weaken them, then the rough riders engaged with infiltrate (leaving the knights free for some nasty support fire).  The remaining warhound retreated. This was the main action on the right side of the board.

Turn two and over on the left side of the board the knights and heavy tanks were trading shots at long range. Not ideal but the knights were resilient enough to weather most of the damage.
Most of the knight's fire was focused on a single stormblade tank (plasma blastgun) just to try to reduce activations further - though it also held out quite staunchly. the gorgons sneaked up a bit and managed to use their mortars as well.

An advantage that the knights had was two sets of thunderbolts which worked the krieg's deathriders. The krieg had one formation of hydras stationary in the centre of the board and flying along the edges meant the aircraft were relatively unhindered.
End result was the baron formation and death riders were able to advance up the right side of the board.
In general both armies were activating most formations fairly well. There were only a low number of failures and in those instance the supreme commander reroll usually resolved the matter successfully.

At turn 3, on the left side of the board the krieg gorgons and infantry and crept up to half-way. the knights were 'retreating' to ensure they avoided engaging for as long as possible.
The lancers jumped up into cover on the right side of the cathedral and started shooting at the hydras, leaving the AA and Castellans to cover the back line.

At end of turn 3 krieg were up 1:0 so onto turn 4.

One gorgon did engage the two paladin formations (intermingled, 4 knights all up). The krieg didn't put out all their forces (probably unaware of the punishment knights can dish out) and hoping for a 'clipping' style victory. From memory they might have also been a little out of range.
However... the knights managed to inflict a whole bunch on the squishy infantry - combined with a favourable dice roll in the calculation they pulled a victory for 1xDC worth of damage. 
Each knight gets 3 dice (2x DC + EA1) so it's very much a case of rolling a handful of dice for very few models on the board.
They also rolled a lot of hits against no armour-save units.

As victors they also got their activations which helped turn the game. While a gorgon group managed to make it to the knight blitz the pair of castellan knights denied the objective (also shot at the shadowsword, breaking it) - being turn 4 i wasn't worried about an engagement in round 5 at this stage).
The baron formation managed to destroy the remaining warhound and advance toward the krieg blitz. (they were preparing for a clipping assault but the warhound carked it before that happened - no complaints here). 

By this stage the krieg were low on activations with the knights having several formations to play with. One paladin sat on the take and hold to deny it (though the shadowsword was already broken, as was the infantry blob - pic below). 
The marcharius group on the left side failed to activate, even with reroll (phew!!).
The group of 3 paladins rushed up and attacked the hyrdas hiding behind the cathederal destroying them. 

The lancer group who had been little more than a target for the first half of the game swung up the right side of the board along the road (extra 5cm per movement; yes please!!) and managed to move to capture range of the blitz and break the deathstrike silo sitting there (lucky).

And that was it.

The final result was 2:0 knights. Blitz  +  Take and Hold.

Both of our BTS were intact (regimental hq group and baron formation).
We both had unbroken units of our halves. 
Neither of us were holding all our own (3) objectives.

The clincher was probably knights having enough formations to deny the objectives and/or being able to break enough krieg formation stationed near objectives.

Overall it was an entertaining game. Some aspects were resolved by the dice but there was a lot of considered manoeuvring and placement, so very dynamic - especially given they're both quite slow, cumbersome armies.

This was the remaining units from the knight side (not too many casualties).

As is often the case, i'm sure my opponent learnt a great deal about the Knights from this battle and i'd expect some tweaks to his strategy when next we play. Not knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses is a huge 'problem' and the only feasible solution i can think of is 'more games'.

Fortunately i've played krieg a few times now which undoubtedly helped.

For my opponents i like to use only one or two armies so they don't have a constantly changing array of opponents.

Good session.

Until next time...