Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Epic - New Templars - pt9 - Batch Paintings

So all that printing that happened in part 7 is now painted up.

Dreadnoughts. Pretty happy with these.

Vindicators. Very happy with these.

Rhinos, 2 formations worth. Largely indifferent about these.

Drop pods - closed. The two at the front at dreadnought sized. Liking these.

Drop pods - open. could possibly do with a tiny bit more detail... perhaps a ledge on the inner floor. Pretty happy for a first attempt though.

Deathstorm Drop Pods. Happy enough with these. Probably prefer the 'full stripes' to the partial stripes on the originals.

So this is everything i've built so far. Unfortunately this is about 1/2 the full army. Strike Cruiser should probably be included at this stage as well.

There is of course more than enough to run the army in a game - plenty of points there, however some of the mandatory formations are missing - specifically, need more Tacticals.

With these off the painting table it's time for the next batch to get the army 'legal'.

I've been assembling and preparing the next batch (the last big block to be done, with some final units still to be printed) over the last couple of weeks.

Matt spray.

Sword brethren (and a couple of sticks of chaplain) - these are going to look rad when they're done.  Poor lighting, poor photography and too much red in the previous pics didn't do them justice but there's enough detail in these sticks to give them a bunch of character.

I mounted the xiphons on some left over acrylic rod and some throw away bases for spray painting. At some stage (possibly after null oil washes, or even dry brushing) i'll snap the rods out and replace them with transparent rods instead.

The land speeders will also be on transparent acrylic rods. so base painting them unmounted as well.

Bikes, fairly plain. There are 2 'sergeants' with chainswords, 2 stands where the bikes are turning/leaning/banking, and 1 stand where a guy is popping a mono - just for variety.

So as well as the above there are also 5 formations of Tacticals * in the batch, and also the 3rd thunderhawk.

* The army list requires a certain ratio of Tactical formations before you can take specialist formations. So you need to take 1 Tactical formation and then you can take e.g. 1 Terminator formation and 1 Predator formation.

I started cleaning up the green stuff on the 2 landing craft. just scraping, sanding and slicing. 1 is done, the other to do.    just a matter of getting around to it, nothing overly taxing.

I started printing the neophyte models.  2 print batches done out of 4 all up.   Decided i want 3 sets of 6 stands - 18 stands with 5 models a piece = 90 models (print batch contains 25 models).
i frankensteined some guard model bits onto some marines models in sketchup and came up with 5 neophyte models. they're actually printing almost perfectly (weapons included). Will probably interject a 'real' marine on each stand or perhaps every second stand for variety.
The neophytes technically (not that you'd see it) don't have pauldrons, the marine helmets, and no backpack. apart from that they're more or less the same.

Just have neophyte, storm ravens and attack bikes to print and that's the army done. so quite close.

[Update 20191031]
managed to get the neophytes and attack bikes done after the printer flat-out decided it wasn't printing at all on tuesday.

guess which ones were new resin and which got the left overs...

just massed storm ravens to go!!!

Until next time...

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