Friday 30 August 2019

Battlefleet Gothic Session - Chaos vs Marines

Session at Good Games at Top Ryde yesterday evening.

Approximately 1k points of marines vs tzeentch flavoured chaos.

This was my... second... game with the Angel Spear fleet and i think they did ok, though i was planning a lot more boarding actions than actually came about... such are dice games.

We were playing a blockade run scenario (soooo much more enjoyable than musket-line battles), where the chaos were trying to get across the board by end of turn 6, and the marines are trying to stop as many of them as possible.

Marines start with full ahead for just about everything, then drop out a preemptive screen of thunderhawks (ordinance, not shown here).

Chaos split into 2 groups with the desolator-class battleship, devastation-class cruiser and infidel-class escort group booting down the (player's) left flank, and a pair of murder-class cruisers taking the middle (read: sacrificial).

The marines are sorely outgunned with 30cm guns across the board, while chaos is averaging 45cm/60cm. The strike cruisers take a couple of hits each and the (token) nova-class escorts are destroyed without firing a shot.

The murders are set upon by the battle barge and 2 strike cruisers at close range, while a lone strike cruiser harries the battleship (but not much).

The battle barge boards a chaos cruiser and destroys it fairly convincingly. The other cruiser is destroyed mainly by critical damage (fires etc) inflicted by bombardment cannons and  thunderhawks.

The desolator battleship is long gone but the remaining devastation cruiser and infidels decide to have a parting shot at the marines. The lone strike cruiser was shot to pieces and drifting-hulk'd off the board..

And then turned for a dash at the edge.

The battle barge is way to far from the action by this stage but the 2 remaining strike cruisers set out after the carrier cruiser, and manage to destroy the infidels with thunderhawks.

The devastation manages to full ahead and escape, though not quite reaching the edge of the board... and that was the end of turn 6.

Was a fun game with lots of manoeuvring and dynamic shifts of fortune. We had new asteroids and planet terrain which added to the experience.

Until next time...

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