Thursday, 9 May 2019

Variance and Cycles, Beginnings

Been a while since the last post... been about that long since i've picked up a brush or hobby knife or glue too.

Although the paint desk is quiet i've been looking at other aspects of the hobby - specifically working on some computer related hobby stuff - an 'army builder'.
For the non-gamers; tweaking (and hopefully improving) software that allows gamers to build (Epic) armies and get a (hopefully) neat and informative stats list as output. i.e. a WORTHWHILE courtesy list (what you give your opponent before a game so they know what you're putting on the table).

Been a bit challenging in place (not overly), but learned heaps for the effort. As a day to day programmer you typically work with only a certain subset of the language that you need. So side projects can really open your eyes as to other techniques or possibilities, even within your chosen language.

A side tangent thought about was the variation that this hobby allows;  painting, gaming, modelling, sculpting, printing, terrain stuff, list building, software stuff, even writing fiction. If you're bored of one aspect there are other options. Not sure if other hobbies allow this kind of scope.

Anyway, so apart from thinking a lot, what?

I made an expedition to the Padstow's Company of Dice (CoD) Club meet.
Was good, enough people to get the feel of a mini-cancon almost (sans stalls).

Not entirely a spur of the moment jaunt; following up about demoing some Epic for a couple of chaps.

Golden Thorn made her second public appearance. Rules were stated and some small games played. 

We covered most of the basic mechanics and overall the result was very positive. Explaining to experienced gamers is a massive leg up.

A few locals also checked it out and perhaps might be interested in joining in at some stage.

Generally positive, but given the difficultly creating a 'scene' that's as enthusiastic as i'll commit to.

At some stage i succumbed to the consumer bug in my head and ordered another game mat. Which duly arrived - the day after my road trip. ha!

Neoprene and with a sturdy carry bag. It's pretty awesome. This was from battlefield-accessories (as per previous post re mdf buildings).   Am looking to perhaps get a green, grasslands version when they restock.
The camera and colour are doing their usual 'not quite right' thing, but suffice to say it's a 'badlands' colour scheme.
Difficult to get terrain that's going to fit everywhere.

Rolled some token dice and moved some token models around on it.
So now i have definitely enough terrain for two properly tricked out tables.

And Finally... Coffee
I finally managed to get around to making some protection for the coffee trees. It's a 'not a greenhouse'.

Not pretty but 1st stage/attempt at it. The concept is to envelop the top of the tree to stop frost slamming the foliage while still allowing airflow etc.
Not as concerned about the overall temperature (hence 'not a greenhouse'); the leaves seem to really burn on those heatwave days and i'm gonna predict wilt readily from frosts.

I anticipate a rebuild in the medium future, and will take it off entirely during summer. The weather's at a stage where frost are a real possibility (hence my motivation and relief), to the point where i'm surprised not to have seen some.

Seems only a couple of weeks ago it was warm evenings and still light at 8pm. So it goes.

Until next time...

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