NEW PROJECT [only briefly reviewed and checked for typos, this is just a build brain dump]
Over the last several months I've been looking at my hobby project list. nothing super-inspiring. nothing 'required' for events coming up etc.As I've mentioned several times I'm sure I've got on the list to print up some 'token' armies for Epic, some 'opposing forces' if you will. Chaos Marines, Tyranids, perhaps Dark Eldar...
I've been contemplating harder and harder the possibility and mechanics of doing the Chaos Marines list, making lists, asking a game buddy who plays them some questions... many questions.
Over the last week I've started assembling STL files, looking for a slicer file (the file that turns STL files containing the full model into slices that the printer uses to build the physical model in resin), getting the printer out of storage etc. it looks as though this project might be going ahead.
I've managed to avoid pouring resin and printing anything over the last couple of days. In part because I need some supplies (gloves, paper towels, plastic bags etc). I'm probably going to use the 1L ice cream containers for wash off. And the amount of resin I have left is pretty low. I would definitely need a new bottle before I can print off ALL the stuff I'd want.
As a tangible step I put together all the models I'd want for just basic 'retinue' formations of chaos space marines (equivalent of tactical marines in 'good' marines). This is standard bolter making up the majority of the models, then some autocannon models, and some 'leader' models. Plus bases.
I did some remodelling in Sketchup, adding some spikes and horns and adjusting some poses, so they're different to 'regular' marines. Not sure how noticeable this will even be at 6mm [ed: very slightly] or if it's wasted effort. Anyway, I'll know.
Basically everything is ready to pull the trigger on these. I guess I'll print out as much as I can with the resin I have and take it from there. I imagine there will be a resin resupply delay. My FLGS nearby does have resin so I might have a look at how much they want for it. Otherwise I can order some online.
I want to do some 'test runs' with the resin I have to make sure everything still works (printer, program) before getting more resin. [ed: it does]
I couldn't find the original slicer program I had from before which is a little annoying (obviously I put it somewhere safe as usual). I was able to download some programs from anycubic, but they're later iterations and do things slightly different then the one I was used to. Sigh, oh well, seems to output a file and we'll see how it goes in the test runs.
Part of this army list's appeal is the inclusion of chaos demons. I'll need to model something up for those. I really like bloodletters so I'll probably model something up for those. Maybe some variations of other demon types. Doing the pink/blue horrors might be fun too. See how bored I get. [ed: i did get bored]
I'll also want to spikes and horns up some terminator models. And create a variant or two for 'obliterators'.
Plus same deal for rhinos and land raiders (i.e. transports for the infantry). [ed: Didn't bothered editing rhino at all and land raiders are out]
Haven't really contemplated other things to take at this stage. Just start with infantry, then expand out to support type units.
I might want to add bikes, havocs (devastator eq), raptors (assault eq).
I think it's fairly common practice to add a obliterator to terminator group, but this looks like it occludes them taking land raider as transports. Land raiders as an option say 'up to four' so there's going to be someone foot slogging.
Oblits can teleport (as can Terminators of course) so maybe this is the only viable option.
Dreadclaw might be an option, but requires a space craft. Teleport is a much simpler and better option tbh.
update 2023-10-29
I managed to pick up some supplies; paper towels, plastic bags, proper gloves... so theoretically I'm ready to go.
I have sliced up files for the tactical eq squads, (by Friday) but refrained from pulling the trigger.
I've been tinkering with the terminators which are the most obvious next step from basic infantry.
Gave them claws rather than Powerfists. Added an axe for some of them (not sure if they'll be leaders or not - chaos Terminators tend to have more weapon variation than vanilla), added some variation to helmets and some spikes (just token, not fully spikey) etc.
Because I can print as much as I theoretically want, my general formula is print as many squads as I'd probably want on a 'basic' list and another squad to allow for variations. Don't have to do this for outlier squad types, but for Tacticals, Terminators etc it's a reasonable m.o.
update 2023-10-31
I now have enough 'Tactical' units made, including a squad of Havocs (devastator eq - good a FF not CC) and separate command sticks. In terms of an army list this means I have 3 retinues and 1 havoc.
Moved on to printing Terminators, have about half the squads printed so far and trying to finish off prints for that. Getting lots of partial (and occasionally whole) failures.
There's lots of ugly models amongst the results (missing legs or one arms etc) so I'll need to model some of the parts together anyway... blerk.
Once those are done I'll knock out some demons and get those sorted... which theoretically is all the 'infantry' types I'll be wanting.
Need to print out bases for all the demons, all the Terminators and some of the Tacticals as well. So still a few prints to go.
After that I'll put the print away for a while possibly. I'll assemble the infantry and get them formed up. Vehicles and other stuff will be a future-chris project. Just remembered I do need some Obliterators but that's only a couple of sticks and I don't have a model for them yet. Theoretically I could use terminators and glue on gubbins, aaaaand I discovered I have a number of vanilla terminators (and Tacticals) from old projects sitting around and available.
My newest resin is now used up (was a bit dodgy toward the end I think). I have gone full chaos and started trying the oldest bottle which had who knows what in it, some funky gunk concoction of older resins possibly. As much as it would be nice to have fresh resin this really fits the chaos theme in an amusing way. Hoping for not too many failures as it will get unfunny fast. but I did manage to get a full print out already, so fingers (and tentacles) crossed.
later update
Got enough good Terminators done to make that 'done'.
So 3 Tacticals, 1 Havocs, 2 Terminators... good progress.
The unknown flask for resin is turning out to be ok...ish so far.
Have some demons printing. Only going to put 4 models on a stand which reduces numbers but we'll see how the prints go. No point counting chickens.
The bases. good thing about bases is they're low so they should print quite quickly. need a bunch of batches though... oh well.
update 2023-11-02
I'm remembering all too quickly why I needed a break from printing. Won't go into the details but it's frustrating. Made slow progress yesterday morning, then no progress for a while, then good progress at the end. grrr.
So i made two changes that seem to have aided progress.
i) I now plug the usb stick into the 'motherboard' directly, as opposed to the far more convenient port on the side with a cable. Annoying because now I need to stick my fingers inside the casing which is awkward and (low) potential for electrocution, and because I need to unscrew the back panel when I want to do it. [ed: i'm just leaving it off while it's in use]
ii) I've tried the chitbox slicer with a little more enthusiasm. I loaded it before and didn't give it much thought, preferring the anycubic option if possible. Probably a mistake. It appears chitubox supports earlier version proton more than anycubic does, which is incongruent and more than a little disappointing. So yes, f anycubic, going with what actually creates a useable model.
This is still in testing phase but the results look positive. Makes an actual 'photon' type file, not a 'pws' file, the file now has a preview on the printer lcd (as it should), and the file appears to be actually printing. none of which happened with anycubic workshop.
So with that in mind.... IF the print works then i might try pressing ahead a bit further than i'd anticipated (beyond infantry).
I now have all the infantry bases done so all my infantry can be assembled. Just printing out the Obliterators now to truly have no more left on the queue.
I also printed (successfully !!) a set of 3 rhinos from old photon files I found. So I'm next going to try printing off all my rhino requirements (and bases).
Then I think I'll try to print out the (quite few) bikers that I need for that little squad.
For the rhinos and bikes I'm not going to chaos the models up. I just want them done at this stage.
And theoretically that's all the 'smaller' units I want.
I don't know 100% but I don't think I'm going to go the 'armoured' route (predators, vindicators, land raiders which are all kind of... boring perhaps isn't the best word, but too close to vanilla). It's probably going to be mainly infantry plus war engines more or less.
I do need to work out what models (/units) I actually want for the other part.
I like the idea of deathwheels, decimator heavy tanks and feral titan and perhaps defilers.
I also think I NEED to print the greater demons for the demon pool, specifically the Lord of Change and Bloodthirster. These are going to add punch with MW and TK so they're going to make the demons worth the effort with heavier targets. I'll also definitely be wanting 'flamer' demons.
bloodletters/bloodthirsters as CC and flamers/lordOfChange as FF so I'll want both so I can swap in/out if I get i.e. Eldar fing skimmers. Theoretically I can just call the models whatever I want but it might be nice to have the right(er) models on the board.
later update
The obliterators I sliced in chitubox actually worked! yhay, so I technically have a way of making new files.
Going to crank out the remaining rhinos now.
Back to a original issue of having enough resin to do everything on the list... now that I've worked out the printer niggles.
update 2023-11-03
Ok. End of the day and I'm more or less out of resin. however... I did get to a result/endpoint that I'm happy enough with.
3 sets of retinues and 1 set of havocs, both with characters. Also bases for about a third of them - mentioning them cos they used resin and a crap load of time.
The ones at the back are bloodletters and have a Bloodthirster as their large demon.
The ones at the front are (pink) horrors (eq) with a flamer as their large demon.
Super glad I got these done. Mainly cos I started them and wasn't sure of a result.
2 sets of Terminators and characters. Or 1 boosted set and left overs (up to 6 max allowed). Also two stands of Obliterators.
Thinking now I probably could do with a 3rd stand tbh. sigh.
i'm also considering taking the 'sword terminator' i made (only 1 printed) and making that my supreme commander (with regular tactical models on the base, not all Terminators).
Finally, 1 set of bikes (8) at the back with salvaged bases. And 10 rhinos for two Retinues and the Havocs. Also with a stack of new bases.
Soooooo..... I think that will do me for now.
I have far fewer models left to print but they are generally bigger ones.
I'm going to put off getting another batch of resin.
Firstly, I'm done with the process.
Secondly, I have a nice batch of stuff I can process/shuck/assemble to keep busy.
Thirdly, couldn't be bothered looking it up and ordering it... but I will in time.
Can't say i really enjoyed it. software niggles were annoying. misprints are frustrating.
I like the planning stage, and I like having them fully done and painted. The middle however, the journey, is a bit painful.
Until next time...
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