Monday, 25 September 2023

Orbital Battle Command - Recycling

In light of my having a new game under development I decided to dedicate some of my old (newly archived) filament prints to the endeavour.

Tyranids, Marines, Chaos, Eldar, Knights...

This is enough to make up to 200+ point armies for all of the factions.

I'm not looking to replicate all of the units available from i.e. Epic.  This is just a chosen subset that best represents certain unit archetypes, i.e. basic infantry, heavy armour, flier etc,  and units that emphasises the nature of the army, i.e. tyranids are swarms of critters, eldar are fast and a bit fragile, marines are fast and strong but limited etc.

Chaos and Knights are technically sharing some of the same models but that's fine. There's enough to field 4 or 5 reasonably sized forces.  It's what I'd consider 'demonstratable' functional.

Until next time...

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