Saturday 19 September 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - 30k Plus

Within the local area there has been discussion about doing some 30k Epic. Additionally we've got a number of people interested in Adeptus Titanicus (AT).

A couple of weeks ago someone on fb published a pdf for 30k marines and support vehicles etc   for the Adeptus Titanicus rules.

I'm currently replacing my old filament Titans/Knights with Titanicus stuff. This includes printing support units for them such as infantry and non-titan/knight things. There's a whole post on this which is still WIP so kind of getting ahead of the timeline here.

I thought it might be an interesting experiment to see how marines might look for an AT setting.  

With that in mind to found a bunch of heights and worked out how high a marine should probably be within that setting.     9.8mm... which is scaling up by 1.19 from how they print out as standard.

Below is a comparison of the new (bigger) marines vs some old spares at the original size.

I decided on a 32mm round base - round being the same aesthetic as the rest of AT. It turns out that 5 models was a little cramped so I settled for 4 per stand. Using less rotund models might make 5 per stand a possibility - I'm liking the extra space on the stands now days personally.

He we have a size comparison with a (l-r) Knight Paladin, a Warhound Titan, and an Armiger Knight.

Comparison with a Warlord Titan...

Comparison with a Warhound Titan...

At this stage I'm thinking that the size is pretty good.

And a comparison with some Death Guard at the original size. These are exactly the same stl models.

Finally, with a stand from very first army, filament Imperial Fists. While I really like the old Fists army (played my first Cancon and Castle Assault with these chaps), and since I had resin built the full Black Templar army, I decided I wasn't going to just reproduce the Fists for the sake of reproducing them. Something in "10mm" is a different kettle of fish though, and might provide a 'real' reason to make a new Fists army (though of different composition to the originals).

Until next time...

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