Tuesday 21 April 2020

Necromunda - Part 8 - Van Saar

[Original Draft - 20191230]

Necromunda is or was in a kinda holding pattern as it were.

We have a game scheduled for the afternoon at the next meet (January) but my models, board and accessories (cards etc) are all complete.

There was a big release of a huge and colossally expensive box set which, unless you wanted a leg up on terrain, was not worth the ducets. 'You'd probably be better off buying a 3d printer given the asking price' range of expensive (read: pretty crazy).

Anyway there was a new close combat gang in there that looked vaguely interesting. However our local meta (as tiny as that is) tends to lean more toward the cc gangs than otherwise already.

I guess as a response to this i had it in my head to perhaps go for the Van Saar gang, known (notorious perhaps) for their ranged game. Mix things up a bit.

Go For It...
I knew the local FLGS had a box sitting round forever so i ducked in and picked it up a few weeks ago. It then proceeded to sit, not knowing what to do with them - don't get me wrong i have plenty of little projects on the go - but whenever the Van Saar box caught my eye it was a matter of pretending i didn't see it most of the time.

Over i time i grew a twofold plan:
i) build the box i bought as a 'competition' style gang. So a base force of lasguns and add-on bits that scream VAaaaaaNSAAaaaaR! These guys have been around for a while and i did some research on how they operate, how best to use them, and based on that and some sample lists came up with a list and loadout that i think should be suitable.
Here we have the seven person gang WYSIWYG'd for my list. The wysiwyg only applies to the guns technically as they have an assortment of grenades and knives and whatnot because ruleOfCool - these are not factored into the 1k of standard points.

ii) I've ordered a second box so that i can make them up as per the front cover. The models on the front cover are not indicative of the best way to use the models in an 'points game'. the total war gear represented there is about 1,800pts, so either you take 5 models with expensive shooters or you need a different gang for 1,000pt pick up games.
That said for each of the other gangs i've built them as per the box pic and my OCD will not allow Van Saar to deviate from this pattern. My thinking is that if/when Necromunda blooms in Sydney i will be able to supplement my 'comp list' with ringers from the original box art series.
Having the box model can be helpful for demos if someone 'knows' the basic gang based on introductory vids and walk-throughs etc. If you pull out a gang that is entirely customised it may be harder for an initiate to empathise with.

The models were some of the most finicky, fiddly models i've had the displeasure of assembling - and given i've added hundreds of bolt pistols to 6mm infantry this is saying something.  Anyway within 24 hours i had everything built as required.

The list itself could be considered a bit gamey, but tough poop.
The Leader and one of the Champions have combi-plasma guns (above). These were chop-shopped together as there wasn't any on the sprue (?? wtf GW given these are one of the most popular upgrades, based on forum chatter!)
The second Champion has dual Plasma Pistols (one of the few out-of-the-box loadouts).
All the leaders got 2nd head-tails (not really sure what they're meant to be from the fluff) to help differentiate them as well. just a bit of modelling fun.
The remaining Gangers are armed with lasguns (x2) and lascarbines (x2).

I've only built 7 of the models (out of 10) as an artistic decision. There's still enough bits and bobs (more or less) to build the other 3 models but i was aiming for my gang to look a certain way (uniform and with 'helmets'). The support fighters are looking-down-the-barrel serious - providing cover and forming the battle line. The command level have dynamic looking models - also reflecting their intended role on the field (jump out and gank the enemy before ducking back into cover). Basically I didn't like the look of the other models that much - no one was puffing an iho stick or doing their fingernails but they didn't fit the aesthetic.
Plus, the 2nd box should have a couple of usable lasgun/carbine dudes that could be used too.

After all the Epic stuff was squared away i made a brief return to the Van Saar.

My local flgs didn't have the green i was looking for so i found an undercolour and a blue wash.
All models now green'd.
Below, contrast between the raw green (right) and blue washed (left).

Three months later, started this post ages ago hey.

Done. like done, done.
This is the full collection, all 17 models. I managed to batch paint everything over the last week or so. Blocking in the main colours was the most tedious part (green, grey, leadbelcher etc) after that they finished off quickly. I don't really enjoy painting 28mm. 

This is the "Comp" squad...

More of everyone.

I tried using the paint handle thingy but found it annoying. Needed to rotate the models too much on all axis to make this a good option.

So i've decided that all my Necromunda models will be going on clear acrylic disks. The 'normal' bases hide the underlying terrain which looks derpy. Am in the process of painting on a marker for front facing and will also write their names on the edge of the disk. Not sure how effective (/easy to read) that will be.

[later: ta da, only the "comp" squad done. will do up the box models... sometime. [later: they are now done.]]

The bases a probably a couple of mm over regulation size but given it makes no practical difference, [shrug]. I won't be able to magnetise these ones so will need an alternate boxing solution. Will probably revisit all the old models and re-base them all too eventually. Am out of disks at the moment and not in anyway enthused about that project.
[later: As far as i can tell this offers no advantage to the model, if anything it's worse as it makes them a larger target and probably means more enemy can pile on for a Close Combat assist.]

Quick Fluff
So the "Comp" squad consists of...

Tepay Rysaph (Leader) - Combi Plasma/Lasgun
Jander Sanute (Champion 1) - Dual Plasma Pistols
Dale Odnia (Champion 2) - Combi Plasma/Lasgun
Tom Brierlev - Las Carbine
Serge Elmsal - Las Carbine
Karem Lasvi - Lasgun
Gok Moorgat - Lasgun

If we were playing true comp/campaign stuff these guys would probably end up dead within a couple of games so probably not worth getting attached to names/roles/history etc. We generally don't play that way though. For now, that's enough.

So that's it. Van Saar and Necromunda sorted.

Until next time....

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